Pandemic Stories


Pastor Dong Lanoy is one of the OFWs of COG Imus. He is the dear hubby of Sis. Joy Lanoy and the loving father of Psalm David and Honey Micah. He is working at Al Khobar City in Saudi Arabia. – Watch and be encouraged with his testimony.

Bro. Boyeen is one of the OFWs of Church of God World Missions Phils., – City of Imus. He is a seaman. Let us watch how the pandemic affected them, negatively and positively.

Meet Sis. Algyn Bagting, one of our J12 teachers. Watch her testimony. She is proud to be a J12 teacher eversince the program, under the Discipleship Department, leveled-up thru the leadership of Sis. Eunice Delansig.

Let us all meet Sis. Jewel Tong, who is now living in Bahrain with her husband and daughter, and is currently enrolled in the CLDP for OFW under the leadership of Sis. Joy Lanoy. They also experienced there lockdown and curfew due to the pandemic, although there are only few cases of COVID-19 there. She is glad that malls are now opened, but she noticed that only few people are going in it. According to her Bahrain people are disciplined. What she learned in this pandemic is to have a grateful heart and Godly contentment; (1Timothy 6:6 Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.). She now realized the goodness of God in her life which she has taken for granted in the past. God has now given her a grateful heart, and God taught her to be content. (Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”)

Members of Church of God World Mission Phils – City of Imus has implemented a daily 8pm family prayer eversince the ECQ was implemented last March 14, 2020. One of the great things that came out of this is, our children learned to pray more and more. We are now featuring Nathan, 12 years old of the Delos Santos family. He is also a student of our J12 program. This pandemic helped us implement our President’s vision of “BAWAT TAHANAN SAMBAHAN, BAWAT PAMILYA MAY KAPILYA”. To God be all the glory!.

Let us all meet our OFW brother, Privaldo Gamuyao Jr, Thoto for short. He is part of the history of COG Imus as the first OFW to physically graduate from CLDP 1 last 2019. I am amazed by the meekness of this man, and his enthusiasm to learn. He is a seaman wherein their ship is currently docked at Rotterdam for repair and maintenance. He is the mentee of his proud mentor, Bro. Roy Abihay. Come let us watch this video he sent about their situation at Rotterdam and how he was blessed by our Sunday online preachings, and daily 8pm prayer.

During the community quarantine period, all Church of God Imus member families are praying together simultaneously everyday at 8:00pm. This is one of the good things that came out of this pandemic, our children are also praying. Everyone are much closer to God more than ever before. Let your testimony encourage others. Thank you Camense family for this video c/o sis. Joy Lanoy.
Direct your children onto the right path,     and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)
How about you? What is your testimony?

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